Hilarious Opening Episode: A fall anime you should definitely watch.

Osakpolor Obaseki
2 min readOct 4, 2021

Maybe you’ve heard of it. The show “Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu” — The vampire dies in No time. It is based on a Japanese manga series of the same name authored by Ittaru Bonnoki

This beautiful show Starts off with one of the funniest episodes I have ever seen since Konosuba. A vampire that appears to die(turn to dust) at the slightest… well anything, be it an attack or even touch together with a vampire hunter turn my evenings into one filled with laughter like never before.

I just can’t contain my excitement.

After going through a long period of having nothing good enough to watch this show is nothing less than a Godsent.

Its colourful scenes, hilarious lines and jaw-dropping punchlines are nothing but masterful. I have huge hopes and expectations for the show. No spoilers yet.

The way the scenes gets really serious and we all think something crazy is about to happen then suddenly all tension is completely dropped when Draluc turns to sand is something I find therapeutic.

From beautiful opening and closing songs to plot and animation, this first episode has been a great ride.

I just can not wait for the next episode.

Here is the official trailer

